Episode – 042

Hello world, this is Videogame Crosstalk, episode 042, the monthly podcast of gamers talking tech, science, and whatever else comes to mind! I am you host Anthony Rossi, and with this episode, is School Mental Health Counselor Motier Haskins!

  1. Small talk
    1. What have you been playing?
    2. What have you been up to?
  2. Guest Interview
    1. DJing
    2. Comedian
    3. School Counselor
  3. Science and Geekery
    1. Therapists Are Using Dungeons & Dragons To Get Kids To Open Up: https://kotaku.com/therapists-are-using-dungeons-dragons-to-get-kids-to-1794806159 

Guest Contacts:

And in the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”